codeworld-base- Replacement base module for CodeWorld

Safe HaskellNone




A set of functions and variables that provide additional support for your programs.

To use a function defined in this module, you must begin your code with this line:

import Extras.Util(function)

where instead of function you write the actual name of the function you want to use.

You can specifiy more than one function. For example, if you want to use 3 functions, then instead of writing 3 separate import lines, you can write this:

import Extras.Util(function1,function2,function3)


type Predicate t = t -> Truth #

A predicate is a function that separates all possible values of a given type t into two groups: those for which the predicate is True and those for which the predicate is False when it is applied to them.

precedes :: Predicate (Text, Text) #

precedes(text1,text2) is True whenever text1 precedes text2 alphabetically. It is False otherwise. When the two texts are the same, the result of precedes is False.

is_in :: [value] -> Predicate value #

A predicate that can be applied to an argument to check whether it is contained in the given list.


selected([1..10],is_in([0,2..100]) -- is [2,4,6,8,10]

nonEmpty :: Predicate [value] #

A predicate that is True when the argument is a non-empty list.

selected :: ([value], Predicate value) -> [value] #

A list of values selected from the given list. A value is selected if it satisfies the given predicate. Otherwise, it is discarded.

selectedValues :: ([(key, value)], Predicate key) -> [value] #

A list of values selected form the given key-value list. A value is selected if the corresponding key satisfies the given predicate. This function is useful in lookup tables.

selectedKeys :: ([(key, value)], Predicate value) -> [key] #

A list of keys selected form the given key-value list. A key is selected if the corresponding value satisfies the given predicate. This function is useful to do reverse lookups in tables.

Grouping and Sorting lists

logicalGroupBy :: (Predicate value, [value]) -> [(Truth, [value])] #

logicalGroupBy(predicate, list) breaks up the given list into two sublists: one with the elements that satisfy the given predicate and another with the elements that do not satisfy the given predicate. Neither the order of the elements in each sublist nor the order of each sublist in the output list is specified, so you cannot make any assumption about the order in which elements will be present in the result.


logicalGroupBy(even, [1,2,3,4]) -- is [ (True,[2,4]), (False,[1,3]) ]

alphabeticalGroupBy :: (value -> Text, [value]) -> [(Text, [value])] #

alphabeticalGroupBy(key, list) breaks up the given list into sublists that have the same key. Neither the order of the elements in each sublist nor the order of each sublist in the output list is specified, so you cannot make any assumption about the order in which elements will be present in the output list.

numericalGroupBy :: (value -> Number, [value]) -> [(Number, [value])] #

numericalGroupBy(key, list) breaks up the given list into sublists that have the same key. Neither the order of the elements in each sublist nor the order of each sublist in the output list is specified, so you cannot make any assumption about the order in which elements will be present in the output list.

alphabeticalSortedOn :: (value -> Text, [value]) -> [value] #

alphabeticalSortedOn(key, list) is a list that has the same values as the given list, but the values are sorted in the following way: if key(value1) precedes key(value2) alphabetically then value1 will apear before value2

numericalSortedOn :: (value -> Number, [value]) -> [value] #

numericalSortedOn(key, list) is a list that has the same values as the given list, but the values are sorted in the following way: if key(value1) < key(value2) then value1 will apear before value2

Control flow

run :: [value -> value] -> value -> value #

Run a sequence of transformations in order on the given initial state. For example, the expression run([f1,f2,f3])(x) is the same as f3(f2(f1(x)))

recur :: (Number, value -> value) -> value -> value #

Repeat a transformation the given number of times. For example, the expression recur(3,f)(x) is the same as f(f(f(x))). If you use a negative number or a number with decimals, the sign and the decimals will be ignored. For example, recur(-7.3,f) will repeat 7 times.

repeat :: (Number, [value -> value]) -> value -> value #

Repeat a sequence of transformations a given number of times. For example, the expression repeat(2,[f1,f2])(x) is the same as f2(f1(f2(f1(x)))). If you use a negative number or a number with decimals, the sign and the decimals will be ignored. For example, repeat(-7.3,seq) will repeat 7 times.

recurWhile :: (Predicate value, value -> value) -> value -> value #

Keep repeating a transformation while the given predicate is True. The result is the first value that does not satisfy the predicate.

repeatWhile :: (Predicate value, [value -> value]) -> value -> value #

Keep repeating a sequence of transformations while the given predicate is True The result is the first value that does not satisfy the predicate.

iterated :: (value -> value, value) -> [value] #

Creates the list [a,f(a),f(f(a)),f(f(f(a))),...], where a is the given value and f is the given function.

foreach :: ([input], input -> output) -> [output] #

Constructs a list by applying a function to all the elements of a given list

forloop :: (state, Predicate state, state -> state, state -> output) -> [output] #

forloop(input,cond,next,output) produces a list of outputs, where each output is generated by repeatedly applying output to the current state, whose value changes after each iteration of the loop. The state is initially set to the value given by input, and new states are generated from it by applying next to the current state. The whole process continues for as long as the current state satisfies the predicate given by cond.

For example, the following code will produce [0,0,6,6,12,12,20,20]:

    input         = (1,0)
    cond(n,sum)   = n <= 10
    next(n,sum)   = (n+1,if even(n) then sum+n else sum)
    output(n,sum) = sum

Using forloop to implement other iteration functions

Basically, any iteration function can be used to implement the rest. A few examples of implementations based on forloop follow.


iterated(next,input) = forloop(input,\x -> True,next,itself)


foreach(list,f) = forloop(list,nonEmpty,\l -> rest(l,1),\l -> f(l#1))


recurWhile(check,f)(v) = last(v:forloop(input,cond,next,output),1)#1
    input        = (x,f(x))
    cond  (x, _) = check(x)
    next  (_,fx) = (fx,f(fx))
    output(_,fx) = fx

whileloop :: (state, Predicate state, state -> state, state -> output) -> output #

The function whileloop works similarly to forloop, but instead of collecting outputs of intermediate states, a single output is collected at the end of the loop. The expression whileloop(input,cond,next,output) is a shortcode for output(recurWhile(cond,next)(input)).

Example 1. The function indexOf can be implemented as a while loop:

indexOf(x,list) = whileloop(input,cond,next,output)
  input                    = (list,1,0)
  cond(list,index,found)   = nonEmpty(list) && found == 0
  next(list,index,found)   = ( rest(list,1)
                             , index+1
                             , if x == list#1 then index else found
  output(list,index,found) = found

Example 2. The average of a list of numbers can be calculated by the following while loop:

average(numbers) = whileloop(input,cond,next,output)
  input                        = (numbers, 0, 0)
  cond(numbers,_,_)            = nonEmpty(numbers)
  next(numbers,total,quantity) = ( rest(numbers,1)
                                 , total + numbers#1
                                 , quantity + 1
  output(_,_,0)                = 0 -- adjust this as needed
  output(_,total,quantity)     = total / quantity

Example 3. The function forloop can be implemented in terms of whileloop:

forloop(input,cond,next,output) = whileloop(input',cond',next',output')
  input'           = (input,[])
  cond'(s,accum)   = cond(s)
  next'(s,accum)   = (next(s),prepend(output(s),accum))
  output'(s,accum) = reversed(accum)

We could have used append instead of prepend, so that the accumulator does not need to be reversed at the end. However, due to internal implementation details of CodeWorld, the latter is much more efficient.

List manipulation

prepend :: (value, [value]) -> [value] #

Add a value to the front of a list

append :: (value, [value]) -> [value] #

Add a value at the end of a list

list :: (Number -> value) -> [value] #

Converts a given function f into a list [f(1),f(2),f(3),...]

listn :: (Number -> value, Number) -> [value] #

Converts a given function f into a finite list [f(1),f(2),f(3),...,f(n)], where n is the given number.

butLast :: ([value], Number) -> [value] #

A list containing all the elements of the given list except the last few. Example: butLast([1,2,3,4],1) is [1,2,3].

pairs :: [value] -> [(value, value)] #

A list of pairs that is created by putting together each consecutive pair of values in the given list. Single elements at the end of the list are discarded.


pairs([1..9]) -- is [(1,2),(3,4),(5,6),(7,8)]

unpairs :: [(value, value)] -> [value] #

A list of values obtained by flattening the given list of pairs, so that the overall order of the values is preserved.

zipped :: ([a], [b]) -> [(a, b)] #

A list of pairs that results from blending the given pair of lists, by taking one value from each list at a time. The resulting list is as short as the shortest of the two given lists. When one of the lists is longer than the other, the extra values will be discarded.

unzipped :: [(a, b)] -> ([a], [b]) #

A pair of lists obtained by separating each pair from the given list of pairs.

indexOf :: (value, [value]) -> Number #

Either the index of the first occurrence of the given value within the given list, or 0 if the value does not occur in the list. List indices start at 1.

Text formatting

lJustified :: (Text, Number) -> Text #

Justifies text to the left, and adds padding on the right, so that the text occupies exactly the given width. Justification works best with lettering based on monospaced fonts.

rJustified :: (Text, Number) -> Text #

Justifies text to the right, and adds padding on the left, so that the text occupies exactly the given width. Justification works best with lettering based on monospaced fonts.

printedDecimals :: (Number, Number) -> Text #

A text representation of the given number, so that it has exactly the given number of decimals. This means that the output does not represent the given number exactly, but a number that is only approximately equal to the given number. When the number of decimals requested is 1 or more, a decimal point is also included in the text representation, followed or preceded by 0 if necessary.

printedNumbers :: [Number] -> Text #

A text representation of the given list of numbers.

printedPoint :: Point -> Text #

A text representation of the given point.

Other useful functions

cumulativeSums :: [Number] -> [Number] #

A list of cumulative sums calculated from the given list.

cumulativeSums([1,2,3,4]) -- is [1,1+2,1+2+3,1+2+3+4]

Note that cumulativeSums could be implemented using forloop as follows:

cumulativeSums(list) = forloop(init,cond,next,output)
    init   =                       (list,0)
    cond   = \(list,currentSum) -> nonEmpty(list)
    next   = \(list,currentSum) -> (rest(list,1),currentSum + list#1)
    output = \(list,currentSum) -> currentSum + list#1

itself :: value -> value #

A function that passes the input unchanged as output. It is useful to indicate a transformation that does nothing for those operations where a transformation is expected.

textHash :: Text -> Number #

Creates a number out of a text in such a way that

  1. it is difficult to predict the number corresponding to a given text, and
  2. it is relatively unlikely that two similar texts have similar numbers.