codeworld-base- Replacement base module for CodeWorld

Safe HaskellNone




Primitive Turtle commands for doing Turtle graphics. The commands follow the original LOGO naming convention, but they integrate seamlessly with the rest of CodeWorld.



Turtle API

To use the extra features in this module, you must begin your code with this line:

import Extras.Turtle

This module allows you to use Turtle programs to create Turtle graphics. For general information about Turtle graphics, you can consult the Wikipedia page at

This module defines primitive Turtle commands to move and turn a Turtle. Two functions, run and repeat, can be used to create new Turtle commands out of lists of commands. The primitive Turtle commands in this module follow the command names, syntax and semantics of the original LOGO commands as much as possible, but this module is not a standalone LOGO interpreter. Instead, Turtle programs in this module can be used to create Tracks, which are lists of Points. You can then feed those Tracks into regular CodeWorld graphical primitives, such as polyline, curve or polygon. You can also use the CodeWorld language to process the list of Points further or to combine the shapes generated by a Turtle program with shapes generated in other ways.


program = drawingOf(polyline(track(turtleProgram)))

turtleProgram = repeat(4, [fd(1), rt(90) ])

The example above will show a square of side length 1 with its lower left corner at the origin.

data Turtle #

A Turtle data structure contains information about the current state of a Turtle, such as its current position, its current heading and whether its pen is up or down. You cannot manipulate the inner workings of this structure. Instead, you use Turtle programs to change the internal state of a Turtle.

A Turtle is initially positioned at the origin, with the pen down and pointing upwards. You can use the command sethome to reset the initial position to a different point.

type TurtleCommand = Turtle -> Turtle #

A Turtle command is a function that modifies the state of a Turtle.

type TurtleProgram = [TurtleCommand] #

A Turtle program is a sequence of Turtle commands. You can use the function run to convert a Turtle program into a single Turtle command that will work the same way as the built-in Turtle commands. This type alias is not used in this module, but you can use it in your code to specify the type of a Turtle program. The examples in the documentation of sethome and overxy show how you can use it.

Standard Turtle commands

fd :: Number -> TurtleCommand #

Move the Turtle forward by the given number of units

bk :: Number -> TurtleCommand #

Move the Turtle backward by the given number of units

rt :: Number -> TurtleCommand #

Turn the Turtle right (clockwise) by the given number of degrees

lt :: Number -> TurtleCommand #

Turn the Turle left (counter-clockwise) by the given number of degrees

seth :: Number -> TurtleCommand #

Set the Turtle heading by first orienting it upright (pointing upwards) and then rotating it clockwise by the given number of degrees

setxy :: Point -> TurtleCommand #

Move the Turtle to the absolute position given by the X and Y coordinates

home :: TurtleCommand #

Move the Turtle to the center and set the heading to upright

pu :: TurtleCommand #

Pen Up: Stop tracing the positions of the Turtle. If the pen was down, this command will end the current Track. Otherwise, the command is ignored.

pd :: TurtleCommand #

Pen Down: Start tracing the positions of the Turtle. If the pen was up, this command will start a new Track. Otherwise, the command is ignored.

Specific Turtle commands (only in CodeWorld)

overxy :: (Point -> Point) -> TurtleCommand #

Move the Turtle according to the given Point transformation


turtleProgram :: TurtleProgram
turtleProgram = [ pu, sethome(origin), fd(1), pd
                , repeat(6, [overxy(turn) ])
                , pu, fd(1), pd
                , turtle ]

turn(point) = rotatedPoint(point, 360/6)

The example above constructs a hexagon without altering the heading of the turtle. It also illustrates how you can mix Turtle commands with other CodeWorld functions, such as rotatedPoint.

sethome :: Point -> TurtleCommand #

Set the starting point for the trace to the given coordinates. Any Track recorded before using this command will be discarded. This command is only useful for initializaing your Turtle program, so that it starts at a different position.

You can also use this command to move the Turtle before starting tracing your tracks. For example, to start your Turtle with the pen up, you can use the following pattern:

turtleProgram :: TurtleProgram
turtleProgram = [pu,sethome(origin)] ++ otherCommands

origin :: Point #

The origin is at the center of the output window

turtle :: TurtleCommand #

A simple drawing of a Turtle that can be used to observe its current position and heading.

randomized :: (Number -> TurtleCommand, Number) -> TurtleCommand #

randomized(cmd,maxnum) can be used to run one of the following Turtle commands: fd, bk, rt, lt, seth, or with a custom command that takes a Number as the argument, so that the command is run with a random number between 0 (included) and maxnum (excluded). If this function is used inside tracks instead of inside randomTracks, the value maxnum/2 will be passed to cmd instead of a random number.


program = randomDrawingOf(draw)
  draw(random) = pictures([ colored(thickPolyline(t,0.25),c)
                          | t <- randomTracks(random1,turtleProgram)
                          | c <- random2
        random1 = randomNumbers(random#1)
        random2 = [ RGB(r,g,b)
                  | [r,g,b] <- groups(randomNumbers(random#2),3)

  turtleProgram = repeat(10, [pd,makeTrack,pu,home])
  makeTrack = repeat(100, [ randomized(\r -> fd(2*r-1), 1.5)
                          , randomized(\r -> rt(90*truncation(r)), 4)

repeatRandom :: (Number, TurtleProgram) -> TurtleCommand #

Repeat a turtle Program a random number of times up to the given maximum. This is a specialized version of randomized.

Program control (re-exported from Extras.Util)

repeat :: (Number, [value -> value]) -> value -> value #

Repeat a sequence of transformations a given number of times. For example, the expression repeat(2,[f1,f2])(x) is the same as f2(f1(f2(f1(x)))). If you use a negative number or a number with decimals, the sign and the decimals will be ignored. For example, repeat(-7.3,seq) will repeat 7 times.

run :: [value -> value] -> value -> value #

Run a sequence of transformations in order on the given initial state. For example, the expression run([f1,f2,f3])(x) is the same as f3(f2(f1(x)))

foreach :: ([input], input -> output) -> [output] #

Constructs a list by applying a function to all the elements of a given list

forloop :: (state, Predicate state, state -> state, state -> output) -> [output] #

forloop(input,cond,next,output) produces a list of outputs, where each output is generated by repeatedly applying output to the current state, whose value changes after each iteration of the loop. The state is initially set to the value given by input, and new states are generated from it by applying next to the current state. The whole process continues for as long as the current state satisfies the predicate given by cond.

For example, the following code will produce [0,0,6,6,12,12,20,20]:

    input         = (1,0)
    cond(n,sum)   = n <= 10
    next(n,sum)   = (n+1,if even(n) then sum+n else sum)
    output(n,sum) = sum

Using forloop to implement other iteration functions

Basically, any iteration function can be used to implement the rest. A few examples of implementations based on forloop follow.


iterated(next,input) = forloop(input,\x -> True,next,itself)


foreach(list,f) = forloop(list,nonEmpty,\l -> rest(l,1),\l -> f(l#1))


recurWhile(check,f)(v) = last(v:forloop(input,cond,next,output),1)#1
    input        = (x,f(x))
    cond  (x, _) = check(x)
    next  (_,fx) = (fx,f(fx))
    output(_,fx) = fx


type Track = [Point] #

A Track is a list of Points. Tracks are generated by Turtle commands.

track :: TurtleCommand -> Track #

Convert a Turtle command into a Track. This is a simplified version of tracks that can be used when you know for sure that your Turtle command will create only one Track. When that is not the case, the different tracks will be joined together into a single Track, as if the Turtle pen was always down.

tracks :: TurtleCommand -> [Track] #

Convert a Turtle command into a list of Tracks. A Track ends when you use the pu Turtle command. After that, the Turtle position is tracked internally, but no points are added to the Track. A new Track can be started by using the pd command.


program = drawingOf(pictures(fig) & solidRectangle(20,20))
  fig = [ colored(thickPolyline(t,0.03),c)
        | t <- tracks(turtleProgram)
        | c <- repeating([red, purple, blue, green, orange, yellow])

  turtleProgram = run(foreach([1..360], singleLine))

  singleLine(x) = run([pd, fd(x/100), lt(59), pu])

partialTracks :: TurtleCommand -> [[Track]] #

A list of all the partial tracks corresponding to the given command. Useful to observe a step-by-step construction of the tracks.


import Extras.Turtle
import Extras.Cw(slideshow)

program = slideshow(foreach(slides,\s -> polylines(s)))

slides = partialTracks(turtleProgram)
turtleProgram = repeat(7, [square, rt(360/7)])
square = repeat(4, [fd(4), rt(90)])

The example above creates a slide show that illustrates the construction of seven squares. It uses the function slideshow from the module Extras.Cw

randomTracks :: ([Number], TurtleCommand) -> [Track] #

Use this function to run Turtle programs that can use random numbers. You need to provide an infinite list of numbers, where each of them is between 0 (included) and 1 (excluded). A simple way to use random numbers is with the function randomDrawingOf from the module Cw.

Example 1:

import Extras.Turtle
import Extras.Cw(randomDrawingOf)

program = randomDrawingOf(draw)
  draw(random) = polylines(randomTracks(random,turtleProgram))
  turtleProgram = repeat(50, [repeatRandom(100, randomLine), rt(180)])
  randomLine = [fd(10),bk(9.8),rt(2)]

Example 2:

program = randomDrawingOf(draw)
  draw(random) = colored(sun,yellow)
    sun = solidCircle(2) & polylines(randomTracks(random,turtleProgram))
  turtleProgram = repeat(500, [ pu, home, randomized(seth,360), fd(2)
                              , pd, randomized(fd,4)

trackLength :: Track -> Number #

The length of the given Track

alongTrack :: Track -> Number -> (Point, Number) #

If travel = alongTrack(points), then travel is a function that can be used to traverse a track traveling at 1 unit per second. The value travel(t) is a pair, where the first element is the location at time t and the second element is the angle of the corresponding segment in the given track.


program = animationOf(movie)
  movie(t) = placedAlong(turtleShape,travel(remainder(4*t,tlen)))
           & polyline(turtleTrack)

  placedAlong(pic,((x,y),a)) = translated(rotated(turtleShape,a),x,y)
  travel = alongTrack(turtleTrack)
  tlen = trackLength(turtleTrack)

  greenTurtle = colored(turtleShape, green)
  turtleShape = rotated(thickPolygon(track(turtle),0.1),-90)
  turtleTrack = track(run(figs(11, poly(7,18/7))))
  figs(n,fig) = [repeat(n,[run(fig),lt(360/n)])]
  poly(n,len) = figs(n,[fd(len)])

Drawing extensions

polylines :: [Track] -> Picture #

Draw each Track in a list of tracks as a polyline.

thickPolylines :: ([Track], Number) -> Picture #

Draw each Track in a list of tracks as a thick polyline of the given thickness.

solidPolygons :: [Track] -> Picture #

Draw each Track in a list of tracks as a solid polygon.

dottylines :: [Track] -> Picture #

Draw all the points in all the polylines of a list of tracks.

dottyline :: [Point] -> Picture #

Draw the vertices of a polyline as dots


turtleExamples :: Program #

The first example is based on the following code:

  program = drawingOf(polylines(tracks(turtleProgram)))
  turtleProgram = run(figs(14, poly(7,2)))
  figs(n,fig) = [repeat(n,[run(fig),lt(360/n)])]
  poly(n,len) = figs(n,[fd(len)])

Note how normal CodeWorld functions are integrated with the turtle commands, even in the presence of recursion.

The rest of the examples are taken from the Logo 15-word challenge at

The keywords before each name show information about how many repeat statements each example used, whether it used advanced control functions, such as foreach or forloop, and whether advanced math functions, such as trig functions or logarithms were used to define the shape. You can use this information to estimate the relative complexity of the shapes.

Here are the codes for the examples:

  ring = let fd'(x) = fd(x/20)
             bk'(x) = bk(x/20)
         in sethome(4,0)
            : [repeat(16, [ fd'(85), lt(60), fd'(107)
                          , bk'(72), lt(53), fd'(74)])]

  blade = let fd'(x) = fd(x/20)
              bk'(x) = bk(x/20)
          in sethome(-3,-4)
             : [repeat(36,[fd'(60),rt(61),bk'(80),lt(41),fd'(85),rt(41)])]

  hypercube = sethome(-3.5,1.5)
    : [repeat(8,[repeat(4,[rt(90),fd(3)]),bk(3),lt(45)])]

  star1 = sethome(-2.5,-3.5)
    : [repeat(18,[repeat(5,[rt(40),fd(10),rt(120)]),rt(20)])]

  fanflower = sethome(-1.5,5)
              : [repeat(12,[repeat(75,[fd(4),bk(4),rt(2)]),fd(10)])]

  jagged1 = sethome(0,-6)
    : [repeat(4,[repeat(30,[lt(90),fd(0.2),rt(90),fd(0.2)]),rt(90)])]

  jagged2 = sethome(4,-6)
    : [repeat(4,[repeat(20,[lt(160),fd(1.5),rt(160),fd(1.5)]),rt(90)])]

  jagged3 = sethome(2.5,-7) : lt(5)
    : [repeat(8,[repeat(20,[lt(170),fd(1.5),rt(170),fd(1.5)]),rt(45)])]

  pentahexa = sethome(-0.5,-2)
    : [repeat(5,[repeat(6,[fd(4),lt(72)]),lt(144)])]

  leaves(n) = -- Useful values for n: 1 to 7
    : [repeat(8,[rt(45),repeat(n,[repeat(90,[fd(0.1),rt(2)]),rt(90)])])]

  roses(l,n,k) = foreach([1..360*n],\i -> run([fd(l/10),rt(i+x)]))
    x = (2*k - n) / (2*n)
    -- Useful values:
    -- roses 5 5 3
    -- roses 5 7 3
    -- roses 5 10 7
    -- roses 5 12 5

  bullring = sethome(-3,-0.5)
    : foreach([0..1002],\i -> run([fd(0.4),seth(360*i^3 / 1002)]))

  squareSpiral = foreach([1..800],\i -> run([fd(i/40),rt(89)]))

  diaphragm = foreach([1..100],\i -> let fd'(x) = fd(x/20)
    in run([fd'(5+i),rt(45),fd'(10+i),rt(60)]))

  octagons =
    foreach( [1..15]
       , \i -> repeat(5, [repeat(8, [fd (0.4 + i*0.2), rt(45)]), rt(72)])

  circleSpiral = foreach([0,0.05..4],\i -> repeat(180,[fd(i/10),rt(1)]))

  pentaStarSpiral =
    foreach( [0,3..96]
           , \l -> run([repeat(5,[fd(l/20),rt(144)]),fd(l/20),rt(30)]))

  octaStarSpiral =
    foreach( [0,4..120],
       \l -> run([repeat(8,[fd(l/30),rt(135)]),pu,fd(2*l/30),rt(30),pd]))

  sqcirc1 =
    foreach( [1..36],
       \i -> run([repeat(36,[fd(0.5),rt(10)]),fd(i/20),rt(90),fd(i/20)]))

  pentapenta =
    foreach([10,9..1],\i -> repeat(5,[repeat(5,[fd(i/2),lt(72)]),lt(72)]))

  hexagon2 = foreach( [100,95..10]
                , \i -> repeat(6,[repeat(6,[fd(i/20),lt(60)]),lt(60)]))

  hexagon1 = foreach( [100,50..50]
                , \i -> repeat(6,[repeat(6,[fd(i/20),lt(60)]),lt(60)]))

  jaggystar = fd(-6.5)
            : foreach([0..2200],\i -> run([fd(0.75*sin(i)), rt(i^2)]))

  fish1 = foreach([1..360],\t -> run(cmds(t)))
    cmds(t) = [ overxy(\(x,y) -> (8*cos(2*t),y))
              , overxy(\(x,y) -> (x,x*cos(t)))
              , home

  fish2 = foreach([-315..315],\t -> setxy(t*sin(t)/50,0.5*t*cos(2*t)/50))

  gillyflower =
    foreach( [1..450]
           , \i -> let a = 73 * sin(i) in run([fd(a/20),rt(88*cos(a))]))

  petals(n) = foreach([0..180],\t -> run([seth(t),fd(10*sin(t*n)),home]))

  eye = foreach([1..1800],\i -> run([fd(log(i)/10),bk(sin(i)),rt(10)]))

  spirotunnel =
    forloop( 1,(<= 160),\i -> i + sin(i)
           , \i -> run([fd(i/80),bk(i/10),rt(51)])

  neutronStar =
    forloop(1,(<= 4),\i -> i + sin(i+7)/2
           ,\i -> let a = 2*i
                  in run([fd(a),bk(a),rt(41)]))

Custom Turtles

customTurtle :: (Number, Number, Number) -> Turtle #

A customTurtle(x,y,angle) is a Turtle positioned at the point (x,y), which is pointing in the direction specified by the given angle, where the angle is measured in the normal CodeWorld way, i.e., 0 means pointing to the right, and the angles increase counter-clockwise. You can use this Turtle to have finer control over the Turtle.


  1. Do not use the commands pu and pd on custom turtles, because they do not have any visible effect. You must generate your own tracks explicitly with the help of the turtlePosition function.
  2. Do not use randomized either, because a custom turtle does not have access to random numbers.
  3. Probably, the only Turtle commands that are useful with custom turtles are fd, bk, rt and lt. Any other handling of custom turtles should be done with regular CodeWorld functions.


program = randomDrawingOf(draw)
  draw(random) = colored(thickPolyline(turtleTrack,0.2),red)
    turtleTrack = forloop(input,cond,next,output)
    input = (customTurtle(-10,-10,0), random)
    cond(t,_) = x < 12 && y < 12 where (x,y) = turtlePosition(t)
    next(t,r) = ( run([mayTurn(r#1), fd(2*r#2)])(t), rest(r,2) )
    output(t,_) = turtlePosition(t)
    mayTurn(r) = if r < 0.5 then turned else itself
    turned(t) = if turtleAngle(t) < 45 then lt(90)(t) else rt(90)(t)

The example above randomly moves a custom turtle either up or to the right. The turtle starts at the lower left corner of the output, and it moves until it reaches either the top or the right side of the output, whichever is reached first. This example uses randomDrawingOf from Extras.Cw and itself from Extras.Util.

turtlePosition :: Turtle -> Point #

The current position of the given Turtle.

turtleAngle :: Turtle -> Number #

The orientation of the given Turtle measured in the normal way that CodeWorld uses angles, so that 0 means pointing to the right, and angles increase counter-clockwise.